Gay pride miami 2018 dates

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Mingle and network with over 200 Chamber members, guests, visitors, and the community at large. On Tuesday, April 2nd, The Miami-Dade Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (MDGLCC) invites you to kick-off the Miami Beach Pride celebration by attending our Spotlight Mega-Mixer at the Oasis Patio of the Shelborne South Beach. The tribute is where buildings and structures throughout Greater Miami will be lit with rainbow colors or fly rainbow flags in remembrance of the PULSE victims, their family and friends. Ceremony is followed by Pride Lights the Night “Flip the Switch” a Tribute to PULSE. Rainbow Pride Flag Raising Ceremony kicks-off an exciting week of events and highlights the City of Miami Beach’s on-going support for Pride and diversity and inclusion in our community.

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Miami Beach Pride is a week-long celebration with special events, social mixers, dance events, a VIP gala, an incredible 2-day festival and Parade. The mission of Miami Beach Pride is to bring together members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community, their friends, allies, and supporters in celebration of the unique spirit and culture of the LGBTQ community.

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April 1 – 7, Various Locations on Miami Beach

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